Latest Geophysical Techniques for Infrastructure Projects

Rapid & Cost-Effective Site Investigations
April 13 - 14, 2023, Singapore

Organized By

AF Academy

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Modern major construction is inconceivable without high-level engineering explorations, which play a major role in increasing the economic efficiency of capital investments. For the design of structures, it is indispensable to procure comprehensive high-quality information about the subsurface, within very short periods. The study of diverse natural conditions predetermines a variety of methods and technical means which can be used for carrying out exploratory work.

Engineering geophysics is an efficient means of subsurface investigation. The merit of application of this low-cost aid lies in its ease of deployment and rapidity in providing a reliable knowledge of the underground over a large area, substantiating the requisite geotechnical evaluation studies thereby. Technological advancements and development of portable digital data acquisition instrument systems have increased the versatility in evaluating underground conditions and site characterization.

The state-of-the-art subsurface geophysical investigations are helpful towards minimizing involvement of the conventional direct exploration methods, aiding in accelerated and economic development of the construction projects.

Geophysical tools such as Ground Penetration Radar (GPR), Seismic Refraction, Seismic Reflection, Electrical Imaging etc., can be used for the accurate mapping of the underground infrastructure facilities (Electrical & telecommunication cables, pipelines etc.), soil-rock interface, geological identification of soil, water table mapping, dimension of a sub stratum, elastic properties of the medium, geometry of various layers and other subsurface features.

The workshop is aimed at familiarizing participants with these advanced geophysical investigations techniques including principle, field procedures, data processing & interpretation, capabilities, limitations and selection criteria for techniques suitable for diverse geological conditions.


The full potential of geophysics for site investigation is yet to be fully realized. The incorrect and inappropriate use of geophysics has over the years caused a great deal of damage to its reputation as a bona fide and reliable technology. The objective of this workshop is to familiarize participants with details of various available techniques and empower them with required knowledge to plan/ execute/ supervise geophysical investigation program for site investigations. The program will also cover quality control and quality checks on data, ensuring quality results are obtained from geophysical program.

Learning Focus

  • Refreshing the knowledgebase of various methods of subsurface investigations.
  • Acquiring basic knowledgebase of various subsurface investigation methods like Ground Penetrating Radar, Electrical Methods, Seismic Methods (Seismic Refraction, MASW, Cross-hole Seismic etc.).
  • Gaining understanding of merits of various geophysical methods and their appliction for a specific set of site conditions.
  • Conducting mockfield investigation procedure using common geophysical investigation methods.

Who Should Attend

This 02-day program will help professionals, engineers, geotechnical engineers and geo-scientists dealing with engineering projects. The program will also help project owners hiring services of geophysical surveys, enabling them understand capabilities and limitations of various methods and derive maximum return on their investment on a geophysical survey.


The program will enable the participant to derive maximum information from geophysical investigation program and help them design the right investigation program for a particular project requirement. It will also enable them to choose the right combination of techniques for varied geological conditions. The state- of-the-art subsurface geophysical investigations are helpful towards minimizing involvement of the conventional direct exploration methods, aiding in accelerated and economical development of projects.

Key Elements

  • Introduction to Geophysics
  • Investigation requirement for engineering projects - Mapping of bedrock depth and topography, rock strength, shear wave parameters for earthquake site response, detection of faults, fractures, water lenses, cavities, existing utilities etc.
  • Principles, methodology, data acquisition, processing & interpretation of
    • Ground Penetrating Radar
    • Seismic Refraction
    • Electrical Resistivity Imaging/tomography
    • MASW/SASW/ReMi
    • Crosshole/downhole/uphole
  • Case studies


Singapore Polytechnic Graduates' Guild, Grand Ballroom, Level 3,1010, Dover Road, Singapore -139658

Fee Structure

Attend In Person 300 SGD 250 USD  per participant
Attend Online 200 SGD 170 USD12,500 INR per participant
The fee is inclusive of training notes for all participants, and morning & evening tea and lunch for in person participants.


Prior registration is must by completing the form below. Payment by Cheque/Bank Draft/Online Transfer can be made in favour of:

Name of the Account Holder: Apeiron Market Research & Consulting
Name of the Bank: DBS Bank limited
A/C No.: 0199066074
Swift Code: DBSSSGSG

Latest Geophysical Techniques for Infrastructure Projects
April 13, 2023 9:00 SGT

SGD 300
* I give consent to AF Academy and it's fullfilment partners (Hummz) to contact me via email and/or mobile about this registration and with updates about the workshop(s). I understand that my information shall not be shared with any third party except with the fullfilment partners to deliver the workshop(s).

Our Address

AF Enterprises
2nd Floor, E-2/10, E-2 Block, Sector-7. Rohini
North West Delhi, Delhi 110086, India

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